Two lawyers in an office discussing a bankruptcy case

With over a century of bankruptcy experience, Rochelle McCullough boasts a multigeneration tradition in insolvency work that stretches back more than 65 years. The firm has lengthy experience in each of the major areas that concern bankruptcy lawyers and has played a significant role in each of them. Contact us today to schedule a consultation on your case.

Bankruptcy Workouts

The restructuring needs of business entities and entrepreneurial individuals are often best served through out-of-court workouts, which can be more flexible, rapid, less expensive, and with a lower profile than a Chapter 11 case would. The firm has been involved in a number of these over the years for both companies and high-net-worth individuals.

Creditors’ Committees

Representing creditors committees, both official and unofficial, in Chapter 11 cases forms a significant part of the firm’s work. In an era that has seen increasing secured creditor dominance of Chapter 11 cases, the firm has successfully worked, through negotiation and innovative litigation, to bring good results to the unsecured creditor class.

Litigation Trustees

Often the sole recovery for unsecured creditors in Chapter 11 cases comes from what can be realized through causes of action that belonged to the debtor before the bankruptcy filing. In several cases over the past decade, the firm has led the effort of litigation trusts to pursue lawsuits that have made large recoveries for creditors, which otherwise would have gone empty-handed.

Creditors’ Rights

The firm frequently represents significant creditors in pursuit of individuals and companies that may or may not elect to seek bankruptcy protection. The firm’s substantial negotiation and litigation skills make it well-prepared to solve these often difficult matters before they become unmanageable.

Debtor Representation

The firm has represented debtors in Chapter 11 seeking to restructure their debts throughout its existence, ranging from publicly-held entities to entrepreneurial companies to qualified individuals. Firm members often write and speak on the topic as well.

Trustee Representation

Representing Chapter 11 and Chapter 7 trustees in the operation and liquidation of debtor entities, along with pursuing their causes of action to increase returns to creditors, has long been a staple of the firm’s business. The firm is justifiably proud of the better-than-expected results it has often brought to this work.

We extend our legal services to help clients with bankruptcy cases, trustee representation, debtor representation, creditors’ rights, litigation trustees, and creditors committees throughout Texas, including Dallas, & Fort Worth, as well as in Indianapolis, Indiana.