Incredibly intelligent, empathetic, and all around amazing lawyer !!
I met Greg Bevel as a brand new widow back in 2009. As a young, single mother who had no clue what to do, where to go, it was a very scary time for me and my babies. Greg made me feel so much better almost immediately. He did not only give me wonderful advice, answer every question I had no matter if it was case related or not, but he also genuinely cared about me and my children. Over the years he never gave me unrealistic expectations. Nor did he ever make me feel like my case wasn’t going anywhere. Greg and his team found every piece of little information they could. They had experts lined up from all over the place. My children and I were greatly taken care of in so many ways. Greg gave me personal advice for nearly every aspect of my life, then and still to this day !! Literally. For everything I had ever heard about lawyers, I was nervous about being used, or being conned. Greg sued some very big companies on behalf of my deceased husband, me and our children. All of our children now have college funds and a beautiful home due to Greg’s hard work and determination to get our family what we were owed. I still contact Greg with any legal questions or sometimes just when I need to talk. He is an amazing person as well as lawyer. Please please put all of your trust in this man and his expertise !!