Elevator mechanical parts to represent a possible elevator accident

Elevator accident and injuries may seem rare, but they’re more common than many realize. Elevators are powerful machines that pose risks for the millions of pedestrians who use them and those who work on or near them. Victims often suffer severe injuries, including spinal cord injuries, broken bones, torn ligaments, traumatic brain injuries, and death.

If you or your loved one was injured in an elevator accident, you might be entitled to compensation. Obtaining compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, and other financial damages can help you and your family move forward. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Rochelle McCullough have recovered millions in compensation for personal injury victims. Contact Rochelle McCullough today to schedule your complimentary case evaluation and learn how we can advocate for you. 

Types of Elevator Accidents That Can Cause Injury

Most serious injuries and deaths related to elevator malfunctions occur as a result of a company’s or property owner’s failure to maintain the elevator in proper working order. As the machines age they require on-time and routine maintenance to prevent common malfunctions. Some of the most common types of elevator accidents that can cause serious injury or death include the following:

  • Falling down the shaft
  • Tripping out of a misleveled elevator
  • Doors that shut on the passenger
  • Free-falling cab cars
  • Sudden and abrupt stops 
  • Becoming caught in between moving parts
  • Being struck by the elevator or the counterweight
  • The collapse of the elevator or platform

Injuries Caused By Malfunctioning Elevators

The smallest defect in an elevator can cause fatal injuries due to malfunction. When an elevator malfunctions, catastrophic injuries can result. Owners have a legal obligation to have their elevators routinely inspected. In addition to regular maintenance, they must address any dangerous defects or malfunctions. Additionally, when an owner receives notice of a recalled part, he or she must address it and replace it with a working part. 

When elevator owners fail to use reasonable care to keep their elevators functioning reasonably safe, they can be held liable for resulting injuries. Some of the most common defects and malfunctions that lead to elevator injuries include the following:

  • When pulley systems malfunction, there can be a rapid drop of the elevator down the elevator shaft
  • Broken doors can result in an open shaft and increase the likelihood of a dangerous fall
  • Defective controls or bad wiring can electrocute passengers
  • An unbalanced level can result in the elevator not lining up with the floor of the building

When there is a fire, the heat from the fire or water from the sprinklers can cause damage to the wiring. The elevator can malfunction and entrap passengers. 

Elevator accident injury attorneys at Rochelle McCullough, LLP offices in Hot Springs, AR and Dallas, TX.

Elevator Injuries Involving Children

Children are particularly susceptible to being injured in elevator accidents. Small children can be crushed in the gap between the hoistway door and the car door in some home elevators. Children as young as two and as old as 12 have been crushed to death in this gap due to suffering multiple skull fractures and fractured vertebrae. Homeowners with elevators should use reasonable care to ensure that the gap between the doors is no more than four inches deep. If your child has been injured or killed in an elevator accident, the empathetic attorneys at Rochelle McCullough are here to help.

Many Elevator Accidents Are Caused By Negligence 

Personal injury lawsuits involving elevator accidents can be complex, requiring an attorney with extensive experience in and out of court. To recover compensation, you will need to prove that the at-fault party’s negligence caused the accident that resulted in your injuries. Proving negligence requires a thorough investigation into the facts surrounding your case. For example, when a business fails to keep its elevator in safe, working condition, victims can pursue a claim against the business. 

For example, suppose a maintenance company fails to use reasonable care when maintaining the elevator, you may be able to bring a claim against the maintenance company. The attorneys at Rochelle McCullough will identify all parties liable for your injuries and develop an effective strategy for obtaining compensation from them. You may be able to pursue compensation from the business’s commercial insurance policy or through a personal injury lawsuit against one or more at-fault parties.

Parties that Could Be Held Liable for an Elevator Accident

In an elevator accident, there can be several parties that may potentially be responsible, depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident. As experienced personal injury attorneys, we will investigate, pursue, and discover the parties liable for the elevator accident. Here are some parties that could be involved:

  • Property Owner
  • Elevator Manufacturer
  • Maintenance or Service Provider
  • Contractors or Subcontractors
  • Inspectors and Regulatory Authorities
  • Employers

If you’ve been involved in an elevator accident in Texas, contact our Rochelle McCullough, LLP attorneys.

Why Hire Rochelle McCullough?

The trial-ready attorneys at Rochelle McCullough will immediately investigate your case and gather evidence. After we determine which party or parties are liable for your injuries, we will begin evaluating your case’s value with the help of financial and medical experts. 

After determining your case has value, we will negotiate aggressively with insurance companies and at-fault businesses on your behalf so you can focus on your recovery. When you work with Rochelle McCullough, you can rest assured that our skilled attorneys will handle every aspect of your case while advocating for the most compensation possible.

Pursuing Compensation 

Unfortunately, many accidents result in fatalities due to the nature of elevator accidents. When a person falls down the shaft or becomes crushed, they may not be able to survive their serious head injuries. Victims who survive may experience a severing of body parts, head trauma, or crushing of their hands and fingers. If your loved one died in an accident caused by another party’s negligence, you could pursue a wrongful death lawsuit. 

While nothing can bring your loved one back, you can recover compensation for your loved one’s medical expenses, lost income, loss of consortium, pain and suffering, and more. Victims who have survived elevator accidents can pursue compensation for their past and future medical expenses, disability, disfigurement, lost income, lost earning capacity, and pain and suffering.

Discuss Your Case With Our Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys in Dallas, TX & Hot Springs, AR

Elevator accidents can cause catastrophic physical disabilities and significant mental health challenges, such as anxiety and claustrophobia. If you have been seriously injured in an elevator accident, the skilled attorneys at Rochelle McCullough are prepared to advocate for you. We have a proven track record of obtaining significant compensation in personal injury lawsuits. Contact Rochelle McCullough to schedule a free initial consultation.

We extend our personal injury legal services to help clients with elevator accident cases throughout Texas, including Dallas, & Fort Worth, as well as in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Committed to advocating for your rights and securing the compensation you deserve.